Theory of structure second edition
by S.P. Timosenko
By Marco on November 9, 2002, this is a book that every civil engineer needs as part of their library.
After having studied structures about 25 years ago and with computer programs of today it is still an important book where fundamental concepts are derived and applied by hand.
It is truly a classical text-Theory of structure on structural analysis written by a pioneer and mechanics expert.
Theory of structure explains the large variety in chemical compounds in terms of atoms making up molecules, the arrangement of atoms within molecules and the electrons that hold them together.
A Frame structure is a structure having the combination of beam, column and slab to resist the lateral and gravity loads.
These structures are usually used to overcome the large moments developing due to the applied loading.
A structure is an arrangement and organization of interrelated elements in a material object or system, or the object or system so organized.
Material structures include man-made objects such as buildings and machines and natural objects such as biological organisms, minerals and chemicals.
Why theory is important. 1. Theory provides concepts to name what we observe and to explain relationships between concepts. Theory allows us to explain what we see and to figure out how to bring about change.
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