Testing of construction materials

৳ 1,572.09

Testing of construction materials

By Bahurudeen AP.V.P. Moorthi

Testing of construction materials provides an understanding of peer-reviewed international construction materials and their testing methods in a simplified manner at a high technical level.

It focuses on specific construction materials, such as cement, concrete, bricks, lime, paints, steel and so forth, distributed in ten different chapters.

Using real-time quality control as the underlying determinant, Testing of construction materials  exclusively follows Indian, American, European, German and South African standards.

Relevant modern sophisticated material testing techniques, like scanning electron microscope (SEM), thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) and X-Ray diffraction (XRD), are also described.

Aimed at undergraduate, senior undergraduate and early career professionals in civil engineering and construction engineering, this book

Gives a clear background of material testing and its importance

Includes step-by-step procedures for easy understanding of and for performing the tests

Covers Indian, ASTM, South African, DIN German and European Standards

Includes basic and advanced techniques for chemical admixtures

Each chapter concludes with practice questions, including 400+ solved questions and 50+ test procedures in total

The purpose of writing Testing of construction materials is to provide technical details of construction material testing methods in a simple way with high precision.

This book conceptualizes the testing of construction materials with a brief technical summary, followed by competitive practice questions to attain scientific understanding of the testing of materials.


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