Project planning and control with PERT and CPM
Project planning and control with PERT and CPM: Complex research and development projects can be managed effectively if the project managers have the means to plan and control the schedules and cost of the work required to achieve their technical performance objectives.
When the panning of a project is undertaken: a host of questions arise:
How should the work be accomplished?
What resources will be needed?
How long will it take?
How much will it cost?
The answers to all these questions can be found by adopting the modern techniques of project management.
Project planning and control with PERT and CPM:
It would be difficult to find in the history of management methods any techniques which has received such widespread attention as that accorded to network methods for planning, scheduling and controlling.
The aim of Project planning and control with PERT and CPM is to present the basic principles of PERT and CPM in such a way that they can be effectively applied to the solution of management problems.
Attempt has been made to present the subject matter which lays emphasis on fundamentals.
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