Prestressed concrete 5th edition

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Prestressed concrete 5th edition

R. F. Warner; Stephen Foster; Andrew Kilpatrick; Rebecca Gravina

The prime purpose of this new edition of Prestressed Concrete is to take account of important changes that have been made in the new edition of the Australian Standard for Concrete Structures.

It appeared in 2018 and Amendment 2 in 2021.

Changes include modifications to the rectangular stress-block parameters for flexural strength calculations, modifications to the design clauses for shear and torsion.

It changes in the safety coefficients for ultimate strength design which result in a slight reduction in the overall safety margins for design.

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The contents of Prestressed concrete 5th edition have been extensively revised, updated and rewritten to take account of the many developments in theory and practice.

These have occurred in the intervening years since the second edition.

The treatment of creep and shrinkage effects in prestressed concrete flexural members, in Chapters 4 and 5 and Appendix B.

It has been simplified by using an approach that is based on the fundamental structural concepts of equilibrium, compatibility and elastic behaviour.

The use of more complex visco-elastic analyses has thus been avoided.

A greater emphasis has been placed on strut-and-tie modelling in Chapters 7 and 8 to deal with shear, torsion, and anchorage.

This reflects recent developments in our knowledge and understanding of this important design tool.

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