Non linear finite element analysis of solids and structures

৳ 1,572.09

Non linear finite element analysis of solids and structures

Non linear finite element analysis of solids and structures Volume 2: Advanced Topics M. A. Crisfield Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK In such fields as aeronautical, civil, mechanical and structural engineering, non-linear analysis techniques are becoming widely used for the solution of practical engineering problems.

Taking an engineering rather than a mathematical bias, this comprehensive book- Non linear finite element analysis of solids and structures builds on the fundamental ideas explained in Volume One, introducing the reader to more detailed, advanced topics.

Large strains and large rotations, plasticity with a range of yield criteria and hardening rules, stability theory and advanced solution procedures including branch-switching techniques, contact and friction, and nonlinear dynamics, are covered in depth.

Examples from a non-linear finite element computer program incorporating the advanced solution procedures are included. The previous paragraph gives the impression that the book is related to research.

This is only partially true in that any book, attempting to cover advanced topics, must be concerned with the recent research in the field.

However, in addition to these research-related topics, there are many other topics in which the ground work is fairly well established. In these areas, the book is closer to a traditional ‘textbook’



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