Non destructive diagnostics of concrete floors

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Non destructive diagnostics of concrete floors

Methods and Case Studies

By Łukasz SadowskiJerzy Hoła

Concrete floors should be diagnosed in order to obtain the proper durability.

Non-destructive testing (NDT) methods, which have numerous advantages and are very effective for in situ testing, are recommended for this purpose.

Non destructive diagnostics of concrete floors: Methods and Case Studies offers useful NDT methods, test methodologies, and case studies.

Non destructive diagnostics of concrete floors contains classifications of NDT methods, examines their areas of usefulness in floor diagnostics.

Non destructive diagnostics of concrete floors explains the complementarity and reliability of NDT methods as well as the need to calibrate research equipment.

It presents interesting case studies of concrete floors, such as dowelled floors, floors with a top layer made of stone slabs, industrial floors, industrial floors with a top layer of polyurethane-cement, layered floors, post-tensioned floors, and cement screeds.

The authors have drawn on many years of experience in both academia and the practical diagnosis of concrete floors using NDT methods.

Łukasz Sadowski is an Associate Professor and Head of the Department at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Wroclaw University of Science Technology, Poland.


Professor Jerzy Hoła is an employee and former dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland.


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