High strength concrete

৳ 1,068.84

High strength concrete: A practical Guide

by Michael A. Caldarone (Author)

High strength concrete from a highly experienced author presents clearly the means and methods for designing, producing and using high-strength concrete.

High strength concrete offers many benefits. Higher compressive strengths allow for a reduction in the cross-sectional dimensions of columns and walls in buildings.

Its greater stiffness allows for increasing building heights while controlling sway and occupant comfort.

Civil structures such as bridges have benefited from greater span lengths, shallower beam sections, wider girder spacing, and extended service life.

Illustrated with real life examples, through documented case histories, High strength concrete will be a valuable resource for contractors, producers, inspection agencies, as well as engineers and researchers.

Several key considerations were addressed prior to writing this book. First, is the presumption that the reader is generally familiar with both the fundamental terminology and basic principles associated with concrete technology.

With this in mind, the reader may find that some concepts considered fundamental to concrete technology have, for the most part, been omitted.

In the event of an unfamiliar term, material property, or construction practice being encountered, several informative publications are suggested at the beginning of Chapter 1.

Second, to be consistent with the book’s title, only concrete-making materials, production methods, and construction practices considered “mainstream” to the industry will be covered.

Exotic materials and manufacturing processes will not be addressed.

High strength concrete will address high-strength concrete made using the same type of cements, aggregates, admixtures, and water that can be used to produce conventional-strength concretes.


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