High performance concrete optimal composition design

৳ 836.28

High performance concrete optimal composition design

By Leonid DvorkinVadim ZhitkovskyOleh BordiuzhenkoYuri Ribakov

Concrete and reinforced concrete remain the main building materials for construction of modern fortifications.

High performance concrete optimal composition design presents experimental and theoretical results allowing production of special high-strength rapid hardening concrete and fiber reinforced concrete.

High performance concrete optimal composition design describes a method for effective proportioning of high-strength fast-setting concrete and fiber reinforced concrete with high dynamic strength.

It also describes selecting proper technological parameters, methodology for design of reinforced concrete structures using such concrete.

Particular attention is paid to ensuring the early strengthening of concrete within 24 hours after casting and to constructing structures with limited energy resources at the site.

In modern construction, high performance concrete (HPC) is becoming increasingly important, allowing the production of highly responsible and unique structures.

Development of the technology of this type of concrete obviously requires Indepth and comprehensive studies of its properties and the possibility of their further improvement, expansion of the raw material base.

This book also includes the excellent expense of technogenic raw materials and industrial waste and development of a methodology for designing optimal compositions with a set of normalized quality indicators.


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