Handbook of port and harbor engineering: Geotechnical and structural aspects
Handbook of port and harbor engineering: In past 10 years or so several excellent books and handbooks on “Port and Harbors Engineering” and “Coastal and Ocean Engineering” have been published in Europe and in North America.
Reference to these works is made elsewhere in this book.
The authors of the aforementioned works offer a shrewd and comprehensive discussion on the marine environment and its effects on port design, port operation, port hydraulics, coastal geomorphology, littoral drift and sedimentation, port and shipping technology and economics, design and construction of a floating port related structures, and others.
However, proportionally the geotechnical and structural aspects of port construction have been given very little attention.
This happens, perhaps, because the subject of marine structures engineering is very broad by itself; it is a blend that encompasses the array of engineering disciplines, e.g., civil, structural, geotechnical, hydraulic, strength of materials, corrosion, naval architecture and others knowledge of which is required to produce a sound and economical design of a modern port or marine terminal.
Handbook of port and harbor engineering has been written to:
fill a niche in the existing literature on port and harbor engineering and to provide the port designers, and particularly those concerned with the design of a port- and harbor-related marine structures, with state-of-the-art information and common-sense guidelines to the design and construction of the basic types of marine structures.
Handbook of port and harbor engineering is a companion volume to my earlier work Marine ·
Structures Engineering: Specialized Applications published by Chapman & Hall in 1995.
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