Design drawing

৳ 1,385.12

Design drawing Third edition

by Francis D. K. Ching with Steven P. Juroszek

This is a comprehensive drawing manual for students of architecture, interior design, and related design disciplines.

Design drawing typically range from beginning texts on how to draw certain subjects, such as landscapes or the human figure, to more advanced treatises on drawing as art.

Some focus on a specific medium, such as pencil or pen-and-ink; others dwell on a particular technique, such as perspective drawing.

Further, the discussion is often limited to learning how to draw from observation.

Design drawing is based on the premise that drawing is central to the design process. It therefore focuses on drawing as a medium for visualizing and communicating design ideas.

The work begins with an introduction to the drawing process, which involves seeing, imagining, and representing.

The remaining content is divided into three parts.

Part 1: Drawing from Observation introduces the graphic elements that constitute the vocabulary of drawing—line, shape, tone, form, and space.

This largely remains the province of freehand drawing because we can best learn to see, understand, and represent these elements through direct examination.

Accompanying each section are a series of short exercises for developing skills and suggestions for longer projects that test the understanding and application of concepts.

Like any discipline, drawing takes perseverance and regular exercise to develop mastery and fluency.



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