ASTM C1451 − 11 Standard Practice for Determining Variability of Ingredients of Concrete From a Single Source
ASTM C1451 − 11 Standard Practice for Determining Variability of Ingredients of Concrete From a Single Source
1.1 This practice covers a procedure for determining the variability of properties of concrete materials from a single source.
It includes recommendations on sampling, testing, analysis of data, and reporting.
1.2 The system of units for this practice is not specified.
Dimensional quantities in the practice are presented only as illustrations of calculation methods that are.
applicable independent of the system of units.
ASTM C1451 − 11 Standard Practice for Determining Variability of Ingredients of Concrete From a Single Source
Significance and Use
4.1 This practice provides a systematic procedure for sampling and determining the variability of user-selected properties of ingredients of concrete.
Results derived from application of the practice are generally intended for information only and are not requirements of any existing ASTM specification on concrete or concrete materials.
A concrete materials specification may make reference to this practice as a means of obtaining variability information but needs to define the properties to be measured and the lot size and sample unit to be used.
The practice is applicable to both producers of concrete materials and to consumers of concrete materials, although details of application of the practice may vary, depending on the intended purpose of the user of the practice.
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