AASHTO FGMP: Maintenance Stormwater Field Guide
Highways and other transportation-related sites can be a source of sediment and other pollutants to rivers, lakes, and coastal waters. Best management practices (BMPs) can be used by maintenance workers to reduce the discharge of pollutants from highway storm drain systems. The intent of this guide is to be a quick reference for maintenance staff on topics related to BMP inspection and common operational practices.
Good housekeeping and other pollution source control measures are presented. Using the tips in this guide will help in complying with federal and state regulations for stormwater quality. It will also help achieve a greater level of environmental stewardship. AASHTO FGMP is not a design manual or a substitute for a pollution prevention plan.
DOTs conduct activities that can pose a threat to water quality if BMPs are not used. These activities include road maintenance, application of traction aides and de-icers, minor road and bridge repairs, fleet maintenance, landscaping, and facility maintenance. DOTs also conduct activities that remove pollutants from the storm drain when done properly, such as street sweeping, and storm drain system cleaning.
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