AASHTO FGCP: Construction Stormwater Field Guide
Construction sites can be a source of sediment and other pollutants to waterways. Best management practices (BMPs) are devices and activities that reduce or eliminate pollution sources and can include silt fences, settling basins, and even training.
This guide is a quick reference for inspectors and resident engineers in construction on topics related to installation, maintenance, and inspection of common BMPs. Using this guide helps departments of transportation (DOTs) stay in compliance with federal, state, and local regulations for improving stormwater quality and provides guidance where local publications may currently be lacking.
Use pollution prevention as a more practical and effective means compared to pollution removal. Do
what is possible to prevent pollution contact with stormwater.
Use effective combinations of erosion and sediment control measures on the construction site.
Use buffers of natural vegetation when construction sites are next to environmentally sensitive areas or water bodies.
Control the perimeter of the site with appropriate sediment controls.
Reduce the volume of construction site runoff wherever feasible.
Control offsite/onsite runoff during construction to protect slopes and disturbed areas.
Avoid disturbing natural channels.
Stabilize bare soil areas as soon as possible, to eliminate erosion.
Reduce the time bare soil is exposed to rainfall by project sequencing and scheduling.
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