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AASHTO BAS: Bridge aesthetics sourcebook

This Sourcebook presents guidelines for improving the appearance of short- to medium-span bridges (those with spans up to about 300 feet). These structures constitute the great majority of bridges and are often referred to as “workhorse” bridges. The intended audience includes all of those engaged in advancing transportation projects: engineers, administrators, planners, environmentalists, and the general public. The goal is to encourage a common understanding of and terminology for bridge aesthetics that will encourage interaction among these individuals and result in more attractive and context sensitive bridges throughout the United States.

The Sourcebook begins by explaining why it is necessary to consider bridge aesthetics. It then provides practical, easy-to-apply ideas for design engineers and other professionals to use in developing elegant designs for the typical bridges on which they work every day.

This Sourcebook has been prepared by the Subcommittee on Bridge Aesthetics (AFF10(2)) of the Transportation Research Board (TRB). Full credits may be found at the end of the Sourcebook. The Sourcebook was approved by the subcommittee’s parent committee, TRB’s General Structures Committee (AFF10), at the January 2010 meeting of TRB.

The Sourcebook was presented for comment to the Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures (SCOBS) of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) at its May 2008 meeting. No comments were received from SCOBS members, so the Sourcebook was placed on the agenda of the May 2010 meeting for approval by SCOBS. Prior to the meeting, during preliminary consideration of the Sourcebook by the T-9 committee of SCOBS, one SCOBS member presented comments. This final version of this Sourcebook reflects responses to those comments. SCOBS approved it for AASHTO publication by electronic ballot in September 2010.


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