Download GeoStru GeoApps 2022-2023 (Geotechnical/ Hydrology/ Hydraulics)


Download GeoStru GeoApps 2022-2023 (Geotechnical/ Hydrology/ Hydraulics)

Geoapp includes over 70 applications for: Engineering, Geology, Geotechnics, Geomechanics, Soil Testing, Geophysics, Hydrology and Hydraulics.

Having a subscription means:

  • Use professional applications anywhere and on any device;
  • Save files in the cloud and on your PC;
  • Reopen the files for later processing;
  • Printing services of reports and drawings;
  • Notification about the release of new applications and automatic inclusion in your subscription;
  • Availability of up-to-date versions;
  • Have the assistance service through Ticket.

All Seismic Parameters with a Click (Pro), GeoStru Maps (Dimensioned plans and sections from google maps or bing maps), Professional fees, Converter, GeoStru earthquake, GeoStru SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission – JPL – NASA), Tunnel pressures, Calculation of AC sections, Action combinations, Estimative metric calculation, Liquefaction, River solid transport, Stability analysis of flat surfaces, Rigid and elastic rockfall barriers, Calculation of thrusts on walls, Characterization of rock masses, Barton characterization, Limit load, Soil classification according to NTC (2008 and 2018), 3D wedges, Debris Flow, Downhole, Seismogenic zones map, Newmark, Poles and micropiles, Bulkheads, Pile load tests, Sliding along a plane, Lithostatic tensions, Rockfall embankments, Reinforced Earths, Tie rods, Hydraulic motion checks, Characteristic curve wells, Lugeon, Drainage wells, Gilg-Gavard test, Haefeli test, Cockpit tests, Solid river transport, Calculation of corrivation time, Calculation of the hydraulic rise caused by the piles of a bridge, Calculation Riprap to protect river bed, Calculation of the horizontal module of the poles, Calculation of draining trench spacing center, Map of seismic zoning of the Piedmont Region.

Easy Refract is the a software dedicated to the interpretation of seismic refraction surveys using the reciprocal method and the generalized reciprocal method (G.R.M.) The definition of the array geometry is extremely flexible and does not impose constraints on the number of shots to be used in the analysis.

Easy MASW is a software for the interpretation and archiving of seismic data using the MASW method (Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface Waves). It is a very easy-to-use application that, with simple steps, performs the analysis of the shear waves velocities.

The software allows the inversion using more modes. During the spectral processing phase the user can view the dispersion of a customizable synthetic model and the results are plotted directly on the velocity-frequency spectrum. The generation of the velocity-frequency spectrum has been improved to allow a more effective identification of modes. The user can select the points on which the inversion is performed directly on the velocity-frequency spectrum and assign to each point the mode to which it refers.

ESD is a software for the check of earth small dams under both static and seismic conditions.

GDW analyzes walls in gabions, simple concrete weirs and GABIONS weirs in static ad seismic conditions. GDW has advanced graphics features including the three-dimensional view through which you can examine in detail the inputs made. Safety checks are carried out for load combinations defined by the user in accordance with the directives imposed by new regulations.

GFAS (Geotechnical and F.E.M. analysis System) is a product for mechanical analysis of soil using finite elements methods. This is a complete solution that integrates all functions required for the analysis of geotechnical problem areas such as: Tunnels; Slope Stability; Excavations; Embankment settlements; Foundation Settlements; Interaction between structures and soils.

Liquiter software is designed for soil liquefaction analysis and supports a wide variety of field tests. The results of the analysis are presented as: Safety Factor Soil Liquefaction / Probability of Soil Liquefaction; Cyclic mobility of clay; Liquefaction of sand and clay; CSR, variable CSR with depth from SHAKE results; Reconsolidation Settlement, Lateral Spreading; Residual Strength.

RC-SEC is a software for the calculation of reinforced concrete sections according to EN 1992-1-1 and EN 1998-1 and eventual national application annexes. This software is a standalone application for checks of reinforced section belonging to beams, columns and walls. In seismic checks is considered the class of ductility demand (DCL, DCM or DCH) and whether or not the section is within a critical region of the member. If the checks are not seismic you must select the low ductility class (DCL) and so only EN 1992-1-1 is applied.

Slope. This program carries out the analysis of soil or rock slope stability both in static and seismic states utilizing the limit equilibrium methods of Fellenius, Bishop, Janbu, Bell, Sarma, Spencer, Morgenstern & Price and Discrete elements method (DEM) for circular and non circular surfaces by which it is possible to ascertain slippages in the slope, examine a gradual failure, and employ various models of force-deformation relationship. Reinforcements with piles, gravity and/or reinforced concrete bracing walls, nettings, geofabrics, anchors, and terracing may be specified. Distributed and point loads may be defined.

Static Probing is for the processing and archiving static penetration tests with mechanical cone CPT, electric cone CPTE and piezocone CPTU. The lithological and stratigraphic interpretation methods are developed for a step chosen by the user, even centimetric, with the most successful internationally used and recent methodologies (in addition to the historical ones of Begemann and Schmertmann, the software also uses Robertson, Douglas-Olsen, Koester etc. with standard or ”normalized” data of qc and fs).

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