How buildings work third edition

৳ 920.00

How buildings work third edition
The natural order of architecture third edition

How buildings work third edition: Over the past quarter century, the practice of building has undergone significant changes in several areas, notably mechanical, electrical, and communications systems.

Researchers have added to our knowledge of building function.

New areas of social concern have emerged, especially for buildings that are accessible by all, and for building in a sustainable manner.

How buildings work third edition, in the tradition of its predecessors, sticks to the basics, but includes hundreds of changes both large and small that reflect the current state of the art and science of building.

I have retained the basic organization of the original volume, along with its look and feel, all of which have worn well. The mission and premise of How buildings work third edition remain unchanged.

Buildings represent a huge investment, not only of money and time, but also of the world’s resources.

In constructing and occupying buildings, we consume vast quantities of materials and generate a major portion of the world’s environmental pollution.

According to the Worldwatch Institute, buildings consume more than 40 percent of the energy utilized in the world each year and, in so doing, release into the atmosphere one-third of the carbon dioxide and two-fifths of the compounds that cause acid rain.


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