Engineering Mechanics: Statics and dynamics Twelfth edition
The main purpose of Engineering mechanics is to provide the student with a clear and thorough presentation of the theory and application of engineering mechanics.
To achieve this objective, this work has been shaped by the comments and suggestions of hundreds of reviewers in the teaching profession, as well as many of the author’s students.
The twelfth edition of Engineering mechanics has been significantly enhanced from the previous edition and it is hoped that both the instructor and student will benefit greatly from these improvements.
These problem sets are located just after the example problems.
They offer students simple applications of the concepts and, therefore, provide them with the chance to develop their problem-solving skills before attempting to solve any of the standard problems that follow.
You may consider these problems as extended examples since they all have partial solutions and answers that are given in the back of Engineering Mechanics.
Additionally, the fundamental problems offer students an excellent means of studying for exams; and they can be used at a later time as a preparation for the Fundamentals in Engineering Exam.
Each section of the text was carefully reviewed and, in many areas, the material has been redeveloped to better explain the concepts.
This has included adding or changing several of the examples in order to provide more emphasis on the applications of the important concepts.
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