Standard method of detailing structural concrete

৳ 733.95

Standard method of detailing structural concrete: A manual for best practice third edition

The objective of Standard method of detailing structural concrete is to provide a working document on structural concrete that can be used to interpret the designer’s instructions in the form of drawings and schedules for communication to the site.

It is a major revision and introduces detailing rules conforming to BS EN 1992-1-1, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures.

Part 1.1: General rules and rules for buildings (EC2), BS EN 1992-1-2, Structural fire design (EC2, Part 1.2), BS EN 1992-1-2, Eurocode 2: Concrete bridges (EC2, Part 2) and BS EN 1992-3: Liquid retaining and containing structures (EC2, Part 3).

The Standard method of detailing structural concrete was published in 1970 and followed in 1973 by the Concrete Society’s publication on Standard reinforced concrete details.

This was updated in 1989 to incorporate a section on prestressed concrete and the title was amended to the Standard method of detailing structural concrete.

As with the original Standard method, the Steering Group was formed of members of both the Institution of Structural Engineers and the Concrete Society.

We have taken the views from a wide consultation on the drafts prepared and are grateful for the variety of comments received, all of which have been considered in finalizing the document.

We are confident the document provides a reflection of the current concerns and developments in the field of detailing.


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