MIT building systems

৳ 1,572.09

MIT building systems design handbook

version 1.2

by MIT Department of FACILITIES

This Building Systems Design Handbook was developed by MIT for use exclusively by MIT’s Department of Facilities and its consultants for new construction and renovation projects.

MIT building systems sets forth MIT’s preferred standards for its own building systems and is not intended to supercede any applicable regulations or codes nor is it intended to stand as a representation of industry standards.

MIT makes no express or implied warranties with respect to the fitness for any particular purpose or accuracy of information provided in MIT building systems.

Users of MIT building systems are required to fulfill their legal and professional obligations and to meet all applicable municipal, state, and federal codes and regulations.

The Design Handbook is a document available on CDROM that describes MIT’s expectations for all of its construction projects as well as the process for design review. (Formerly known as the “RED Book” or MIT Construction Guidelines)

MIT’s Project Managers, all design consultants, together with the MIT Stakeholders will use the Handbook as a working template for the ongoing design and review process.

They are the experts in the Engineering, Construction, Maintenance, and Operations Groups within MIT’s Department of Facilities.

The Stakeholders are full participants in the writing and reviewing of their respective sections of this Building Systems Design Handbook.


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