Manual for detailing reinforced concrete structures to EC2

৳ 1,572.09

Manual for detailing reinforced concrete structures to EC2

by José Calavera

Detailing is an essential part of the design process. Manual for detailing reinforced concrete structures to EC2 for the design of reinforced concrete structures is largely based on Eurocode 2 (EC2), plus other European design standards such as Eurocode 8 (EC8), where appropriate.

With its large format, double-page spread layout, Manual for detailing reinforced concrete structures to EC2 systematically details 213 structural elements.

These have been carefully selected by José Calavera to cover relevant elements used in practice.

Each element is presented with a whole-page annotated model along with commentary and recommendations for the element concerned, as well as a summary of the appropriate Eurocode legislation with reference to further standards and literature.

Manual for detailing reinforced concrete structures to EC2‘s website provides AutoCAD files of all of the models, which can be directly developed and adapted for specific designs.

Its accessible and practical format makes the book an ideal handbook for professional engineers working with reinforced concrete, as well as for students who are training to become designers of concrete structures.

The aim of this book is to present a fairly full and systematic description of the construction details used in concrete structures.


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